We are greeting the seventy-year-old ar-tist, Valéria Várnai. From her works organized exhibition was opened at 17.00 on 19. 01. 2006. by Emil Prugberger.
The trust of the stan-dard of the Vitalitas Gallery guarantees, that only those can be our exhibitors, whom the advisory board of the Vitalitas Savariae Art Foundation after long deliberation approves.
If you snap down a picture, the picture will be bigger and you can have a look at our picture gallery. If you snap down an exaggerated picture, the picture will be monitor-measured. We planned our homepage for 1024 x 786 monitor adjust-ment.
If you snap down the Vitalitas logo, you will get to the first page. If you snap down an underlined word, you get to another page.
Gallery - Vitalitas Gallery |
Mária Geszler: Actor with aircrafts |
The Vitalitas Gallery was founded in 2001 to give free play for creatures, art historian exhibition organizers in order to gauge how the works of art comes across in a flat-imitating environment. The aim of the founders was still to contribute the artistic development of Szombathely and its region with high quality exhibitions and to support the creators living in Vas county getting into the public eye with their works. In the gallery the exhibitions of hopeful talented and already known creators and guards of the ancestral traditions and experimenters of new fields open every two months. In the periods between the exhibitions you can buy the dignified works of art, so many became the patrons of contemporary art.
Valéria Várnai: Laburnum |
Fortunately many have changed so far the “sterile” atmosphere of the showroom for a world much closer to the everyday milieu. The exhibitors so far are: Zoltán Bács, János Blaskó, András Bodorkós, Ferenc Brodszky, Béla Czóbel, Kálmán Garas, Mária Geszler, Harald Gramberger, János Horváth, Endréné Kerekes, Elisabeth Ledersberger Lehoczky, Márta Lesenyei, János Kondor, Ödön Márffy, Ferenc Masszi, Sándor Molnár, Sándor Pál, Teréz Patona, Ferenc Szalay, Valéria Várnai, Péter Vértesi, Gerlinde Weissenböck. Every year we join the “Cultural Heritage Days” of the European Unions, in 2003 we could have admired the Klára Pajor Kőszegfalviné’s postcards perpetuating the ancient Szombathely.
On opening cerenomy of exhibition (Zsolt Kalló) |
In 2004 at the time of the photo exhibition attached to the Bartók Festival the musical competition of the Kossuth Rádió “Who wins today?” was held in the gallery. The artistic management of the gallery is controlled by the Vitalitas Savariae Artistic Foundation led by Valéria Várnai. The expenses are covered from the money of the founder, by application and donations incoming to the account of the non-profit foundation (7200260-10010158). The foundation gives a certificate for the donators, which authorizes a 30 per cent tax reimbursement of the paid-in summary.
